For the next Sundays I will do a little holiday countdown with dresses. I love a bit of sparkle for my outfits when attending holiday parties or dinners. And with this Sunday series, I want to share stylish and festive dresses from African Designers with you!
I saved the best for last! This stunning dress from Iconic Invanity is dress No. 7! It sparkles, it is gorgeous and will be an eye stopper at every party.
So there you have it – all our lovely 7 festive dresses! Which one is your favorite? Christmas in Germany is on the 24th (don’t ask, no idea why) and thus I am wishing all of you a very Happy Holiday weekend!Dress 7 – Iconic Invanity
Dress 6 – Coccolily
Dress 5 – Pearl 11 30
Dress 4 – Jewel by Lisa
Dress 3 – by Mina Evans
Dress 2 – by House of Marie
Dress 1 – by Lanre Da Silva-Ajayi
i die for dress five:)
They are all beautiful though